Laboure Society
“I locked eyes with our Eucharistic Lord in the monstrance and He spoke to my heart, 'I'm the answer, I'm what you're looking for.'”
Meet the rest of my class
My name is Tess Austin. I am called to dedicate myself to evangelizing young people through reason, religion and loving kindness as a sister with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians – Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco. This is my story.
Growing up, my Long Island family was devoted to our Catholic faith and our parish was my home away from home. I was involved with a lot of ministries and felt particularly drawn to Jesus. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit lit a fire for God within me. This flame may have flickered from time to time, but the Lord always drew me back.
In a Holy Hour for Vocations in high school, while the flame was low, I locked eyes with our Eucharistic Lord in the monstrance and He spoke to my heart, “I’m the answer. I’m what you’re looking for. I’m right here.” The fire for God burns true to this day.
In the tenth grade, I attended a March for Life Youth rally. At the end of Mass, the presider asked for all women who felt called to religious life to stand up. Something in my heart told me, “Stand up!” and I did. From then on, I set my sights on religious life.
I knew I still needed to grow spiritually, though, so I went to college at Franciscan University of Steubenville. As I progressed through college, my calling to religious life fell dormant while the Lord worked on my heart in other ways. I served on mission trips to Russia and Albania, began working in Liturgical Music and Catholic Education throughout the Diocese of Rockville Centre, and received my Master of Arts in Theology, and knew that if God wanted, He would reawaken my calling.
When the day came, the Lord was clear and direct. I was back at my Alma Mater for the St. John Bosco Conference, praying in Eucharistic Adoration, and Jesus spoke to my heart, “I want you for Myself.” A few months later, I had found my true home with the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians – the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco.
Throughout my work and ministry, God awakened my maternal instincts in a profound way: spiritual motherhood. The Salesian Sisters educate and form youth around the world to be honest citizens and good Christians, and this is exactly where I feel drawn to follow my missionary and maternal call. I want to live in Salesian spirituality, centered on the Holy Eucharist, devoted to Mary, and bringing Christ to the youth of the world.
In schools, camps, retreats, oratories, parish education, day cares, and youth centers around North America, I will have numerous opportunities to serve the youth of the Church with my Salesian Sisters. I want to devote my life to loving God and helping to win the hearts of His children to Him.
As He has done all throughout my life, the Lord calls me to go where He leads, and as a bride of Christ, I will follow.
Please pray for me and for my fellow Labouré classmates on our vocation journeys. Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have at:
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