Home THE LABOURÉ SOCIETYHelp Us Deliver New Priests and Religious to the ChurchMany vocations are blocked by college debt. Let’s free them.Here's How How can we pray for you? I’M ABenefactor who wants to nurture and increase vocations in the Church. GIVE NOW Learn More I’M ADiscerner who is held back by student debt. LET US HELPI’M AMember of a Religious Institution who has formation expenses or a candidate with student debt. LET US HELP “Working with Labouré changed my life.So I would even say I was grateful to have student loans."SR. JOSEPHINE GARRETTSISTERS OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETHMEET OUR ALUMNINot All Who Are Called Have the Financial Means to Respond Many dioceses and religious orders require candidates to be college-debt-free before proceeding to become priests and religious. This creates a roadblock for some who want to follow God’s call. GIVE NOWTHE CALLED 10,000 people discern a vocation to the priesthood or religious life in the US each year. THE CHALLENGE 80% of dioceses face formal applicants with student loan debt, and nearly 3/4 of religious institutes are seriously impacted by the student loan debt of their inquirers. THE BURDEN $96,000 is the average student loan balance of a Labouré aspirant. GIVE NOW THE SOLUTIONThe Labouré Society Provides a Proven Pathway for Aspiring Priests and Religious to Become Debt-Free and Reinvigorate the Church Labouré’s program equips aspirants with tools, coaching, support and hands-on experience in evangelization and relational fundraising. Our graduates are joyful, confident, prepared, debt-free and ready to serve. GIVE NOW Learn More 400+ASPIRING PRIESTS, SISTERS AND BROTHERS ASSISTED NATIONWIDE20+YEARS OF RESCUING VOCATIONS12.5MILLION DOLLARS AWARDED300+RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES AND DOZENS OF DIOCESES HELPEDSince Labouré’s founding in 2003 "God is at the center of it. He’s calling you to this vocation, and to share that with people is a gift." SR. GABRIEL PERRY MARIAN SISTERS OF THE DIOCESE OF LINCOLN "My vocation would have been…possibly lost forever. With Labouré’s help, I was able to resolve six-figure student loan debt in 24 months rather than 20 years." FR. BILL DUFFERT ARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS See more testimonials Help Rescue VocationsGIVE NOWMEET THE ASPIRANTSOur Current ClassMeet the Class Tess Austin Salesian Sisters of Saint John Bosco Read my story Rosemary Bravo Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament Read my story Stephen Ferrazzano Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota Read my story Becky Hall Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Read my story Justin Hollingshead Diocese of Albany, New York Read my story Hannah Lifka Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) Read my story Tyler Martensen Franciscan Friars Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province Read my story Madeleine McIlheran Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Holy Cross Read my story Joe McIntire Archdiocese of San Francisco Read my story Cristal Quinones Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima Read my story Jake Smith Archdiocese of Denver Read my story Aislinn Torrance Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Read my story Steven Webster Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery (Trappists) Read my story Clayton Wise Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington Read my story GIVE NOW How can we pray for you? Your intentions matter to us. We’ll remember you by name in our personal prayers and offer your intentions at Mass.NameEmail Prayer Request(Required) Δ RESCUE VOCATIONS TODAYYour Gift Will Make an Eternal ImpactTogether, we can ensure that future generations have priests and religious to provide the sacraments and minister with the peace, healing and joy of the Lord!RESCUE VOCATIONS Questions about The Labouré Society? Contact us here.