Laboure Society
“'Fiat, fiat, fiat,' burst from my heart, and I knew that I would be bride of Christ forevermore.”
Meet the rest of my class
My name is Becky Hall. I am called to contemplate God’s love revealed in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as a sister with the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is my story.
I grew up on an apple farm near Niagara Falls, New York. As a youth, I learned some things about God, but didn’t learn to know God personally. My family only attended church for weddings and funerals. My grandmother had a devotion to the Blessed Mother that inspired me, but as I grew, I held onto a misconception that Jesus can only love you if you’re perfect. I did not know my purpose or path in life, and sought to find them through musical studies at Buffalo State College.
My vocation came about following a series of yeses, even though I didn’t fully understand to what I was saying yes. My best friend invited me to Mass. Someone suggested I start RCIA. I was invited to join a Marian Movement. All of these yeses led to my Baptism and Confirmation in the Catholic Church in April of 2022, and ultimately to where I truly belong: in Adoration of Jesus, gazing at Him, often without saying a word.
My vocation “yes” did not come as easily. As I felt myself being called to be a religious sister, I wrestled with giving up the idea of a husband and children and letting go of the life I had always imagined for myself. Attending daily Mass, though, eased this pain and gave me confidence in God’s good plan for me.
Eventually, I said “yes” to a discernment retreat with the Sacred Heart Sisters, and it felt like I’d been there for years. It was a perfect fit. At Mass on the retreat, when the priest elevated the consecrated host, I could hardly contain myself. “Fiat, fiat, fiat,” burst from my heart, and I knew that I would be a bride of Christ forevermore.
The Sacred Heart Sisters are dedicated to extending the Kingdom of Love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Christ is calling me to join in this work. I have a deep devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and I believe her heart is the most sure path to His heart. It’s from His heart that we can all find the most fulfilling love we seek.
I’m drawn to the Sacred Heart Sisters’ contemplative-active way of life. As a convert, I know firsthand how important it is for the faithful to know the Catechism so that they can understand the Catholic Faith and share it with a desperate world. Teaching and catechesis are beautiful ways for me to help young people find and share the joy I have found since I became Catholic. Other amazing ministry possibilities in which I might partake as a Sacred Heart Sister include: nursing, parish ministry and pastoral visits, evangelization of homes and families, clothing the poor, prison ministry, and even missionary work abroad if the Lord sends me.
My life began in the fullest sense with my “fiat” to being a bride of Christ, and I aspire to be a light for others in times of darkness in this world.
Please pray for me and for my fellow Labouré classmates on our vocation journeys. Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have at:
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