Laboure Society
“As I learned more about my faith, I realized the deep love of our Lord- so much that He makes Himself small and vulnerable in the Eucharist.”
Meet the rest of my class
My name is Hannah Lifka. I am called to bind myself to Christ and witness to the reality of His Church as a sister with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). This is my story.
I was born in China and adopted at the age of two into a loving family in the U.S. From early on, I learned about God and the importance of our faith from the example of my parents. They have a beautiful marriage that fostered an environment in which I always felt loved and safe, providing a stable foundation for me to grow. My father is one of the strongest people I know; he taught me about God the Father through his example of love and sacrifice. My mother’s example of joy and love taught me how to open my heart to service. Our relationship with God was always a top priority for my parents.
As I learned more about my faith, I realized the deep love of our Lord — so much that He makes Himself small and vulnerable in the Eucharist. Our Catholic faith became an even greater part of the family once my mom converted to Catholicism and was received into the Church. One of the religious sisters at our parish led RCIA, and we began to spend a lot of time with her and her community after my mom became Catholic. I also participated in weekly catechesis classes taught by the sisters. It was through our relationship with them that my heart began to open to the possibility of religious life.
From a young age, the seeds of a religious life were planted, and the possibility remained in my mind as I grew. During my senior year of high school, I considered following a call to religious life immediately after graduation, but the time wasn’t right, as I needed to mature before I could seriously discern.
After my freshman year of college, I went on a mission trip with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT); during this time, my discernment began in earnest. SOLT’s family orientation particularly attracted me. They act as a family in each mission, and put extreme value on the family of each SOLT member.
While serving at the SOLT summer camp, I experienced an interior freedom as my heart was being conformed to Christ’s own Sacred Heart through prayer, community, and service. It was the most “me” I had ever felt. Nine months later, I participated in another SOLT mission trip as a leader. While praying for the missionaries on my team, I had a realization that I was practicing spiritual motherhood. This provided me with great joy and peace!
The SOLT view of Mary, and efforts to imitate her as the daughter of the Father, mother of the Son, and bride of the Holy Spirit (overshadowed and hidden) has influenced my spiritual life greatly. Throughout my experiences with SOLT, I’ve encountered a sense of home that has never left: a peace and joy that comes from the community and from their servants’ hearts.
I feel drawn to SOLT for two primary reasons. First, they are an order consisting of sisters, brothers, priests, and laity. At their missions, they strive to include each vocation within the Church – making it a reflection of the Church in miniature. Second, I love that they are called to serve in whatever is the deepest need, whether it is catechesis, teaching, nursing, prison ministry, evangelization, or whatever else the Lord might ask. I desire to join them in this mission and in doing so respond to Jesus’s continued call to my heart to be His bride.
Please pray for me and for my fellow Labouré classmates on our vocation journeys. Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have at:
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