Section Template HERO-IMAGE-01 Home | Get Started | Are You Called Are You Called to the Priesthood or Religious Life?HERO-GRADIENT-01 Home | Get Started | FAQs Frequently Asked QuestionsHERO-GRADIENT-02 Home | Events Find a Vocation Event Both Labouré and the religious institutions we work with host events for discerners and vocation directors. HERO-SPLIT-01 Home | Get Started Get Started with Labouré Is your vocation blocked by student debt? We can help. CONTACT US HERO-SPLIT-02 Home | Aspirants Support Your Future Priests and Religious These men and women have said “yes” to God. Now they depend on your generosity. HERO-SPLIT-GIVING-01 Donate to our Rescue Mission Your gift enables us to deliver new priests and religious to the Church. DONATE TO LABOURÉ Change My Monthly Gift Other ways to Give Contact Us SECTION-INTRO-LINKS-01The Labouré Society Helps Rescue Vocations College debt prevents thousands of potential priests and religious from pursuing their vocation. The Labouré Society connects these men and women with benefactors who support them financially and through their prayers. If you have questions about this process, we’d love to hear from you! Not sure if God is calling you? Check out these Aids to Discernment. CONTACT US Quick Links Test 1 Test 2 SECTION-NUMBERED-IMAGES-01Steps for Discerning Your Vocation If you believe God is calling you to the priesthood or religious life… 1 Listen with humility. Spend time in quiet, reflective prayer. Ask God what He wants of you. Consider what you’re passionate about and what makes you feel closest to God. 2 Engage in spiritual reading. Read Scripture and the Catechism. Through their biographies, discover how saints and prophets responded to God’s call. 3 Talk to a spiritual director. Spiritual directors can be priests, religious or trained laity. They can help you to deepen your relationship with God and hear and follow his voice in your life. 4 Explore your options. Research different dioceses and religious communities. If any interests you, request a visit or attend one of their vocation events. 5 Accept God’s will. Christ says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you” (Jn 15:16). A vocation is a call from God. Your greatest joy in life comes from following His will, wherever it leads. Want to learn more about discernment?VIEW OUR RESOURCESSECTION-COMMUNITIES-01-BLUE Dioceses and Religious Communities We Work With You must first be accepted into a diocese or religious community to become an aspirant with Labouré. Here’s a list of religious institutions we’ve worked with. VIEW THE LISTSECTION-EVENT-BAR-01-WHITE Check out Upcoming Vocation Events Find out what’s happening at Labouré and our partner dioceses and religious communities. LEARN MORESECTION-EVENT-BAR-01-GRAY Check out Upcoming Vocation Events Find out what’s happening at Labouré and our partner dioceses and religious communities. LEARN MORESECTION-EVENT-GRADIENT-01 Want to Add Your Vocation Event to Our Calendar? Attract serious discerners to your diocese or religious community by featuring your vocation events on our calendar. Get in touch with us for more details. LEARN MORESECTION-CTA-BAR-WITH-ICON-01-BLUE Meet Labouré’s StaffMEET OUR TEAMSECTION-FORM-OVERLAPPING-01 How Can We Pray for You? The Laboure Society is one big spiritual family. We pray for each other, and we’d love to pray for you too! Please share your intentions with us. We’ll remember you by name in our personal prayers and offer your intentions at Mass. "*" indicates required fields First NameLast NameEmail PhoneI prefer I prefer to remain anonymous Intention* Δ SECTION-PLAIN-TEXT-CENTERED-BLUE-01Suggested Prayers Prayer of St. Ignatius “Take, Lord, receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my whole will, all that I have and all that I possess. You gave it all to me, Lord; I give it all back to you. Do with it as you will, according to your good pleasure. Give me your love and your grace; for with this I have all that I need.” Prayer of Thomas Merton from “Thoughts In Solitude” “My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” SECTION-PLAIN-TEXT-01-GRAY The Labouré Society (Labouré) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. This privacy policy was created to demonstrate Labouré’s firm commitment to the privacy of our website users and their personal information. This policy explains what types of information is collected by Labouré’s website, and how this information is used. Online and Offline Privacy: Labouré will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Labouré, both online and offline, on any Platform (“Platform” includes Labouré’s website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. What Personally Identifiable Information is Collected: Labouré donors who use our website to submit donations to Labouré voluntarily provide us with contact information (such as name, residential address and e-mail address). We may use this information for specific, limited purposes. You may always opt out, either now or at any time in the future, if you do not wish to receive our messages. How We Use Your Information: We use your personal information to send you direct mail and email messages/impact updates, and we include your information in our donor database. You may choose to opt out at any time, which will cease all communications from us. We also use the information collected to access available public information about our donors and to track visitors to our website to determine which features are most popular, so that we might best serve our shared mission to rescue Catholic vocations. Modifications: We may amend this privacy policy from time to time; please review it periodically. We maintain the option to modify this privacy at any time by electronic notice posted on our website. Your continued use of our website after the date that such notices are posted will be deemed to be your agreement to the changed terms. SECTION-TEXT-ARROW-01 Leave a Legacy of New Priests and Religious Planned gifts help ensure that Labouré can continue its mission of delivering priests and religious for many years to come. Here are five ways you can make a planned gift. Please get in touch with us for more information about each type of giving. SECTION-ACCORDIONS-WITH-ICON-01Stocks, Mutual Funds and Bonds Gifts of stock, mutual funds and bonds offer an easy and tax-efficient way to make a lasting contribution to Labouré. Your gift will help sustain the mission of Labouré, while avoiding capital gains tax and reducing federal income tax. CONTACT USReal Estate Gifts of real estate also offer tax benefits. If you gift your property to Labouré, you will avoid the tax on the increased value of the house, and also be able to take a charitable deduction on your federal income tax return. You would also save in state taxes as well. CONTACT USWills and Trusts By including Labouré in your estate plans, you can specify that some or all of your assets come to Labouré after your lifetime. When the asset(s) you specify pass to us, your estate can take a charitable deduction for the amount of your bequest, thereby reducing the estate tax payable. CONTACT USLife Insurance and Retirement Accounts Labouré accepts gifts of life insurance. We also may be named as the beneficiary (primary or contingent) on your retirement accounts. In addition to providing the tax advantages, beneficiary designations are a quick, hassle-free way to make a gift to Labouré. CONTACT USRetirement Plans By naming a charitable organization as beneficiary of your retirement plan, you may save money in federal taxes on many levels. Designating Labouré as the beneficiary will remove the value of the retirement assets from your gross taxable estate. CONTACT USMail in a Donation I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Matching Gifts I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Donor-Advised Funds Rescue vocations with a gift from your Donor-Advised Fund, receive immediate tax benefits, and continue the impact with additional grants to Labouré over time. Click below to contact us or give us a call at 651-212-4955. CONTACT USSECTION-ACCORDIONS-01What does The Labouré Society do? Labouré helps rescue the vocations of aspiring Catholic priests and consecrated sisters and brothers by accelerating the resolution of student loan debt via a multidimensional, relationship-based fundraising model that includes ongoing support and tools to be successful. Does it work? Yes! Labouré has a proven, 20-year history of assisting more than 400 men and women in raising over $10 million dollars. Is there a fee to participate in the Labouré program? No. There are no fees for the discerner or the religious institution. We offer our services at no charge, simply to bring vocations into the Church. What is a Labouré ‘aspirant’? A Labouré aspirant is someone who is preparing for entrance into priestly or religious life formation, who needs help resolving student loan debt, and has been accepted into The Labouré Society’s program. Does the discerner need to be formally accepted by the diocese/community in order to participate in The Labouré Society program? No. A discerner does not need to be formally accepted or have formally completed the application process; however, he or she will need to be in serious discernment with a religious institution to participate. Why do individuals work with Labouré instead of trying to raise the funds on their own? There are many reasons. Notably, as a 501c3 (a non-profit organization), each donation is tax-deductible for benefactors while also qualifying as tax-free income for the aspirant. Our program supports discernment, and aspirants benefit from the expertise and encouragement of the Labouré staff, the support of their classmates, and the many formative aspects of the program. In addition, many donors value the accountability that The Labouré Society provides. What is the average amount of debt per aspirant? Labouré works with varying levels of student loan debt. The program has helped individuals with such debt ranging from $10,000 to those with six-figure amounts. We encourage all discerners to contact us to discuss their particular situation. How long does the Labouré program last? Aspirants participate in the program for a six-month period. The Labouré Society offers two, six-month programs (referred to as “classes”) each year. Aspirants may enroll in additional classes if necessary. How much time is expected of an aspirant each week? During the six-month class, aspirants commit a minimum of 10 hours per week to the program. When is the ideal time to contact The Labouré Society for help? We recommend contacting us sooner rather than later. It is never too early to reach out. My seminary/religious community has a dowry, health insurance, stipend, or other requirement; can you help me with this? Not at this time. I require assistance with travel expenses, medical/dental expenses, etc.; can you help with this need? Not at this time. What does an aspirant do for The Labouré Society in return for their services? In addition to dedicating themselves to Jesus Christ and His Church, aspirants promise to pray for The Labouré Society’s benefactors, aspirants, and staff! Still have questions? Contact us SECTION-ACCORDIONS-01-GRAYIRS FORM 990’s Year 2017 Year 2018 Year 2019 Year 2020 Year 2021 Audited Financial Statements Year 2019 Year 2020 Year 2021 SECTION-ACCORDIONS-02Discernment Support Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious Provides vocation events, resources and inspiring stories from professed sisters. Learn More The Conference of Major Superiors of Men Provides vocation events and resources for men discerning religious life. Learn More Institute on Religious Life Includes a Vocation Search to help discerners explore 190 affiliate religious communities. Check it out USCCB Vocations Resources for discerners from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Learn More Vocation Match Need help finding the right vocation for you? Try the Vocation Match resource. Learn More SECTION-ACCORDIONS-03Our StaffBoard of DirectorsEmeritus BoardOur Staff Justine Bojan Admissions ManagerFavorite Scripture: Philippians 4:4-8Enjoys working at Labouré because: I am blessed to work with so many faith-filled people and hear about their beautiful faith journeys.Contact Justine Joe Cassady Program ManagerFavorite Devotion: Eucharistic AdorationFavorite Scripture: Romans 12:2Enjoys working at Labouré because: Having the privilege to be part of the journey of people filled with so much hope and faith.Contact Joe Diane Cossairt Gratitude SpecialistFavorite Devotion: “Come Holy Spirit; come now; come as You wish.” (repeated three times)Favorite Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33Enjoys working at Labouré because: The wonderful people that I am blessed to work with every day – both staff and donors.Contact Diane Sally Ennis Admissions ManagerFavorite Devotion: Blessed Charles de Foucauld’s Prayer of Abandonment Favorite Scripture: Romans 8:38-39Enjoys working at Labouré because: Getting to know those we serve gives me joyful hope in the future of the Church!Contact Sally John Flanagan Executive DirectorFavorite Devotion: Daily mass and rosaryFavorite Scripture: As a dad of nine children…John 3:16 Enjoys working at Labouré because: I get to see God at work in the future of the Church every day.Contact John Karen Groppel Admissions ManagerFavorite Devotion: RosaryFavorite Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10; Colossians 3:1-2Enjoys working at Labouré because: It is wonderful to spend my time working with priests and religious and those who would like to be.Contact Karen Louis Hall Marketing ConsultantFavorite Devotion: Praying the "Our Father" aka "Lord's Prayer"Favorite Scripture: John 14:23Enjoys working at Labouré because: I can help in this holy mission and work alongside wonderful people. Contact Louis David Johnson Finance DirectorFavorite Devotion: The Lord’s PrayerFavorite Scripture: John 3:16Enjoys working at Labouré because: The Holy Spirit guides this mission.Contact David Tony Kuplic Advancement DirectorFavorite Devotion: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Holy Hour)Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 40:31Enjoys working at Labouré because: The fruit of Labouré is not only the elimination of debt, but also a greater communion of people.Contact Tony Maggie O’Connell Gratitude SpecialistFavorite Devotion: Liturgy of the HoursFavorite Scripture: Psalm 68: 1-5Enjoys working at Labouré because: I get to see the Church built up more and more each day by the generous support of so many.Contact Maggie Laura Prusko Program ManagerFavorite Devotion: RosaryFavorite Scripture: John 3:16Enjoys working at Labouré because: It’s a privilege to accompany aspirants on their vocation journeys.Contact Laura Risa Stalboerger Program ManagerFavorite Devotion: Choral SingingFavorite Scripture: Isiah 43: 1-4Enjoys working at Labouré because: I love helping remove obstacles for people saying "yes" to God. Contact Risa Mike Stevens IT - Database ManagerFavorite Devotion: Liturgy of the HoursFavorite Scripture: Romans 5:8Enjoys working at Labouré because: I get to participate in the faith-filled journeys that God has begun in these many men and women.Contact Mike Melissa Uzelac Marketing DirectorFavorite Devotion: Holy Mass; Eucharistic Adoration; Jesus, I Trust in You; The RosaryFavorite Scripture: Philippians 4:4-8Enjoys working at Labouré because: All we do is steeped in prayer.Contact Melissa Peter Wolney Advancement Director and Program ManagerFavorite Devotion: Holy MassFavorite Scripture: Beatitudes; Matthew 5Enjoys working at Labouré because: The joy of the Lord and foundation of prayer spill over into every life touched by this beautiful mission.Contact Peter Stacie Zens Database AssociateFavorite Devotion: Eucharistic AdorationFavorite Scripture: John 6: 68-69Enjoys working at Labouré because: I witness the Holy Spirit at work building the Kingdom of God in the Church and in the lives of those I work with.Contact Stacie Board of Directors Nancy Ahlgren Retired Tax LawyerCalifornia Fr. Scott Bahrke Program AlumnusPriest of the Diocese of MemphisTennessee Fr. Bill Duffert Program AlumnusPriest of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and MinneapolisMinnesota Thomas Gilbert TreasurerVP, R&D – Integra LifeSciences, Tissue Technologies DivisionPennsylvania Julia Gray Senior Executive Coach, Right Management Talent SolutionsMissouri Ann Hoedeman Retired Commodity Account Executive, Merrill LynchFlorida Scott Hussey Board ChairRetired Senior V.P. Global Sales, Upsher-Smith LaboratoriesMinnesota Sr. Faustina Lightfoot SECRETARY - Program AlumnaMarian Sisters of the Diocese of LincolnNebraska Sherry Nilles Past National Regent, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Liam Rogers President, Hudson Tank Terminals Corp.New Jersey Brad Sharp President and CEO, Development Specialists, INC.California Scott Widman Board Vice-ChairManaging Principal, White Oak Financial Advisors LLCKansas Emeritus Board Timothy BastianInstructor of Economics, Creighton University William S. Bojan (Board President Emeritus)IGS – Integrated Governance Solutions Gregory CashPresident and Chief Financial Officer, HeartSine Technologies Jeff CavinsPresident, Great Adventure Company; Speaker, Podcaster, Pilgrimage Leader Sr. Kathryn Clemmer (Program Alumna)Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Rosa Cumare (Board President Emeritus)Employment Lawyer, Law Office of Rosa M.C. Cumare Sr. Josephine Garrett (Program Alumna)Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth Tim HamillGlobal Practice Leader, Acxiom Corporation Fr. Christopher Johnson, SJ (Program Alumnus) Jesuit Priest Joseph KueppersStaff Attorney, The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Roxanne LackasDirector at PricewaterhouseCoopers Fr. Erik LundgrenPriest in the Diocese of Saint Cloud Gary MartiniPresident, Martini & Associates Frank MooreRetired Director, Land O’Lakes Scott OsterlingDirector of Integration, Cameron Fr. James Peterson (Program Alumnus)Priest of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Casey ReganChief Executive Officer, MN Premiere Banks Shirley SeyfriedPast National Regent, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Mike SmebyRetired Vice President of University Banks Doug SmithFounder and Chief Artistic Officer of McNally Smith College of Music †George Zirnhelt (Board President Emeritus)Former President & CEO, Power Systems Research SECTION-VIDEO-01Our Mission and Vision Our world desperately needs more priests and religious. But many men and women who feel called by God have to pay off their college debt first. This can take a long time, and the world can’t wait! The Labouré Society helps them raise the funds to resolve the financial obstacles that stand between them and their vocation. SECTION-ICON-TEXT-01 How We Got Started In 2001 our founder, Cy Laurent, met a young woman who was called to be a nun, but couldn’t enter any community because of her college debt. Cy provided her financial support so she could pursue her vocation. When he discovered that thousands of men and women were in a similar situation, he founded the Labouré Society to rescue more vocations before it was too late. Since our founding, we’ve helped over 400 aspirants resolve their debt and pursue their vocation. SECTION-STATS-01250+RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES AND DOZENS OF DIOCESES HELPED$10 million+HAS BEEN AWARDED TO OUR ASPIRANTS70%OF ASPIRANTS HAVE GONE ON TO ORDINATION, PROFESSION OF FINAL VOWS OR ARE CURRENTLY IN FORMATIONSECTION-STATS-02 400+ASPIRING PRIESTS, SISTERS AND BROTHERS ASSISTED NATIONWIDE$10 millionHAS BEEN AWARDED TO OUR ASPIRANTS.250+RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES AND DOZENS OF DIOCESES HELPEDSECTION-ARCH-WITH-TEXT-01 About Our Patron Saint, St. Catherine Labouré St. Catherine Labouré was a 19th-century French woman who wanted to join The Daughters of Charity. Her father refused to give her the dowry she needed to enter. She continued to trust that the Lord would provide, and eventually her brother and sister-in-law gave her the financial aid she needed to become a sister. St. Catherine later received the Miraculous Medal revelations from Our Lady, and she spread this devotion far and wide. She may have never gotten the chance to do this without her generous benefactors’ support. SECTION-QUOTE-GRADIENT-01“I thank God for all the work you do, and for those who make this program possible for so many men and women. We will always be indebted to you and to The Labouré Society for making it possible for so many to be able to respond to God’s call.”FATHER JACOB-MATTHEWFRANCISCANS OF THE HOLY LANDSECTION-QUOTE-PHOTO-01 “Without the continued support and guidance of Labouré, my vocation would have been postponed for decades, and possibly lost forever. With Labouré’s help, I was able to resolve six-figure student loan debt in 24 months rather than 20 years.” FR. BILL DUFFERTARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLISSECTION-QUOTE-PHOTO-02 “Without the continued support and guidance of Labouré my vocation would have been postponed for decades, and possibly lost forever. With Labouré’s help, I was able to resolve six-figure student loan debt in 24 months rather than 20 years.” FR. BILL DUFFERTARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLISSECTION-ALUMNI-01WE’VE HELPED COUNTLESS VOCATIONSVocation Success Stories Since 2003, we’ve helped over 400 men and women overcome the financial obstacles that kept them from pursuing their vocation. See a few of their stories. MEET OUR ALUMNI SECTION-DONATION-FORM-GENERAL-01Support The Labouré Society Your gift enables our rescue mission to remain available to future priests and religious, providing them with the tools, coaching, skills and support to overcome the obstacle of student loan debt and enter formation better prepared and debt-free! You may also mail donations to: 1365 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 104 Eagan, MN 55121 [embedcode] SECTION-QUOTE-PLAIN-01“A gift to the Labouré Society changes the direction of a life because it helps a person realize a dream that God has placed directly on their hearts.”– RITA AND LAMAR HUNT, JR.BENEFACTORSSECTION-IMAGE-TEXT-RIGHT-01-GRAY Share a Vocation Event Sometimes a person just needs to attend a vocation event to get their discernment journey rolling. Check out our calendar of events and share it with the discerners you know. SEE UPCOMING EVENTSSECTION-IMAGE-TEXT-RIGHT-01-WHITE Share Our Class Video Nothing is more powerful than a personal testimony. Email this video to those you know, so they can see the generous souls giving God their lives today to bring us His healing grace tomorrow. SEE VIDEOSECTION-QUOTE-SLIDER-01 "I’ve been so impressed by the quality of training that the Labouré Society offers. “I’ve been so impressed by the quality of training that the Labouré Society offers. The sense of joy and gratitude is palpable as these young people seek to serve the Lord and the Church." Fr. Carl Paustian, O.P. Vocation Director, Midwest Dominican Province "I was inspired with the Labouré Society process of walking with the aspirants. They make sure each aspirant is held accountable and maintains a well-balanced life of body, mind and spirit where God, prayer, and community is their center." Sr. Kathleen Branham, SSF Vocation Director, Sisters of Saint Francis of Oldenburg "The one thing that sold me on Labouré is that it supports the discernment process. It’s about human formation, learning to evangelize and tell your story and the story of the Lord….Labouré…is a wondering organization that does what they say – they help to rescue vocations!" Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J. Director of Vocations, Jesuit USA West Province "Labouré is a community effort. It provides a lot of support and connects the aspirant with other people in the same situation. There is a fidelity to the magisterium and uses the best things of the world for the sake of the Church and its mission." Sr. Mary Fidelis School Sisters of Chris the King in Lincoln Nebraska "Labouré is laser-focused on the need we have for priestly and religious vocations. [It] plays a vital role locally and nationally and directly impacts the future of our Church by allowing young people to enter their vocation and building a culture of vocations." Most Reverend Andrew H. Cozzens Bishop of Crookston, Minnesota SECTION-RELIGIOUS-INSTITUTION-SLIDERLabouré is trusted by Religious Orders and Dioceses Nationwide A candidate must be in serious discernment with a diocese or religious community to become an aspirant with Labouré. Here are some of the religious institutions with whom we’ve worked. View the full list SECTION-THERMOMETER-01-WHITE 0% $0 of $0 goal 0% Donations SECTION-PROGRESS-BAR-01 0% $0 of $0 goal 0% Donations SECTION-VIDEO-CENTERED-01Our Most Recent Alumni Hear why our recent program graduates are so exited to be entering formation! SECTION-VIDEO-LIST-01More Vocations You’ve Helped Save “It’s hard for me to imagine if Labouré didn’t exist. Having student loans and needing to work with Labouré…changed my life…so I would even say today, that I was grateful to have student loans.” SR. JOSEPHINE GARRETTSISTERS OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH “I’m here because of the Labouré Society. They gave me the tools, the encouragement, and the support I needed to put my faith in God’s call…after six months of fundraising, I was able to clear my debts and enter the novitiate.” BR. MARY PETER LEEDY, OSBBENEDICTINE MONKS OF NORCIA, ITALYSECTION-VIDEO-TESTIMONIALS-01 “It’s hard for me to imagine if Labouré didn’t exist. Having student loans and needing to work with Labouré…changed my life…so I would even say today, that I was grateful to have student loans.” SR. JOSEPHINE GARRETTSISTERS OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH “I’m here because of the Labouré Society. They gave me the tools, the encouragement, and the support I needed to put my faith in God’s call…after six months of fundraising, I was able to clear my debts and enter the novitiate.” BR. MARY PETER LEEDY, OSBBENEDICTINE MONKS OF NORCIA, ITALYSECTION-PERSON-SLIDER-01Other Alumni MacLean Andrews, SJ Jesuits, West Province Fr. Scott Bahrke Diocese of Memphis Fr. Nelson Cintra Diocese of Boise Sr. Clara Maria, PCC Poor Clare Colettine Nuns Sr. Graciela Colon, SCC Sisters of Christian Charity Bro. Emmanuelle del Castillo, Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Br. Ezekiel Thomas Dumais, CFR Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Br. Richard Gaunt, OFM Franciscan Friars, Assumption Province Sr. Mary Gianna, DLJC Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ Sr. Rebecca Goldberger, ASCJ Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sr. Benedicta Hawkins, MS Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln Br. Joseph Hilliker, OP Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great Sister Amelia Hueller, OP Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Br. Anselm Kelly, OP Dominican Province of Saint Joseph Fr. Dominic Koester, OP Dominican Province of St. Joseph Br. Angelo LeFever, CFR Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Br. Benedict Mary Lynch, CFR Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Sr. Erin Lyons Sisters of the Holy Cross Fr. Paul McDonald Diocese of Albany Fr. Norbert Medina, CFM Claretian Missionaries Sr. Claudia Marie Murray, RSM Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan Jim Musgrave Archdiocese of Detroit Br. Benjamin Novak, CFR Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Sr. Zelie Marie O’Hare, RSM Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan Br. Elijah Perri, CFR Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Sr. Gabriel Perry Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln Fr. James Mary Ritch, OP Dominican Province of St. Joseph Fr. Luis Rodarte Diocese of El Paso Sr. Bernadette Rose, LSP Little Sisters of the Poor Sr. Seraphica, DLJC Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ Br. Benjamin Steary, OP Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great Br. Simeon Synoski, CFR Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Sr. Alicia Torres Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist of Chicago SECTION-MAP-01 Our Reach We’ve helped candidates for dioceses and religious orders from coast to coast and even overseas. Here’s a list of religious institutions we’ve worked with. VIEW THE LISTSECTION-ASPIRANT-CLASS-01 Tess Austin Salesian Sisters of Saint John Bosco RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Rosemary Bravo Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Stephen Ferrazzano Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Becky Hall Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Justin Hollingshead Diocese of Albany, New York RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Hannah Lifka Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Tyler Martensen Franciscan Friars Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Madeleine McIlheran Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Holy Cross RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Joe McIntire Archdiocese of San Francisco RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Cristal Quinones Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Jake Smith Archdiocese of Denver RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Aislinn Torrance Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Steven Webster Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery (Trappists) RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story Clayton Wise Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington RESCUE MY VOCATION Read My Story